
Wave 105 is GO!!!

  Wave 105 is live!

Sen completely captured the old 80s Japanese box art vibe with the outstanding illustration above! Just imagine discovering the Bulker Suit Team on a shelf someplace in another timeline! I think this is one of your best, Sen! Thank you!  

Note: Please place only ONE ORDER WITHIN THE FIRST HOUR TONIGHT. We will lift all limits after the first hour. Thanks for your cooperation. Have Fun!

We are still only shipping domestically (and to Canada) for this wave. We sincerely apologize to our international customers for the situation.

Zulloid Multrasor Arullem

Wreckage Nexus

Destinies cross deep in the Wreckage Nexus! Dillon Wheelock continues to elevate everything we do over here with his incredibly insightful visual storytelling. Working together with Dillon on these stories is a true privilege and I couldn't be more excited for what's to come. Thank you, Dillon! 

Wreckage Nexus

Bulker Suit Greyvunn

Bulker Suit Talcres

Deep Space Glyan Talcres

Deep Space Glyan Greyvunn

Pheyden Greyvunn

Traveler Erenjorr

Traveler Talcres

Traveler Arullem


More story bridge related fun to check out as we rumble up to the new wave! This was a satisfying puzzle to solve and has a number of secret options to swap around. I imagine this heavy colossus causing some major programming shifts in Argen's perspective on what constitutes definable mechanical "life". 


Affected Connections

Suit up and explore the Wreckage Nexus,
this Sunday, February 23rd at 9:30PM EST!

To kick off our first wave of 2025, we're trying something a little different. Check out the link below for a "bridge comic' that we worked on with the ever-impressive Dillon Wheelock, which sets the stage for Wave 105 while also delving deeper into the Dark Vortex. Have fun! 

Wreckage Nexus


Flying Vipers - Off World

Off World, the third LP from Flying Vipers, is arriving this April on Easy Star Records!

From the album title to the back illustration, there are some deep-rooted connections to the Glyos System, and we have a few fun things planned for later this year as well.

The second single, "Believers & Deceivers", dropped today on all streaming platforms, and the album can be pre-ordered now on vinyl and cassette.

Many thanks to my brother Matt for helping us flesh out the Vipers in-world look from day one, and to the community crossover support over the past decade!


Thank You and Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year and a Vortex-sized thank you for allowing us to welcome 2025 in one piece! We're extra grateful for your support of Wave 104, especially with it landing late in the holiday season. Hopefully as each package arrives a little extra Santa vibe will accompany it. 

The Dark Vortex concept is yet another project on the list that's been quietly simmering for a number of years, first taking root when John Kent of Toyfinity and I were discussing the early development of his third robotic figure, then called the Zetonian. From the onset, the goal was for this new design to have multiple core forms, serving each of our ongoing separate (yet still connected) story narratives. Those primary forms were the Zetonian and the Mechabon. 

During the process of creating the actual hand sculpted/hand machined prototypes with the great Ron Daley, we also started hiding other sub-form "tributes" within the parts, a number of which have still yet to be realized with full production runs. That being said, the eventual "Sincromillian" homage was maybe the one that John and I wanted to see come to fruition the most. One secret Max to follow in the wake of another very important Maxx.

Homages can be tricky to navigate just right, for a number of reasons. The Dark Vortex wave leans heavily into the somewhat overlooked property that inspired its creation, intending to serve as a loving tribute to the incredible creatives who brought the original film to life. I still watch it on the regular and consider myself incredibly lucky to have actually seen it in the theatres when it first rolled out. 

A special omega thank you goes out to Dillon and Sen! Dillon generated yet another outstanding series of illustrations for the latest wave, capping off 2024 with more completely original Glyos-centric comic art than we've seen in literally years. Running parallel in creativity, Sen drafted one exceptional pinup after another, imbuing even older characters with cinematic life and iconic compositions. The deep personal gratitude I feel towards these two incredible artists can't properly be put into words.  

2024 saw a multitude of brand-new Glyos-based projects come to life, from resident superhuman Marcus' long awaited and absolutely amazing new Bit Figs: Dreadvalken series, to Jesse D's first release of his status quo smashing Sea of Daggers collection, followed by Rocom's incredible Mighty Maniax world expanding Dark Earth project (a rare KS campaign both run and delivered in the same year)! 

Our brother Pj surprised everybody with his second independently funded full production figure, the Velgerian, flipping things creatively upside down in the best way possible. Cappy continued his awesome partnership with Pat as they expanded their connected worlds with more Mischiever action as they unleashed the completely new Draga mold and even more fantastic accessory kit action! 

Further proving his dedication to the format, Cappy also partnered with Sam of Angry Hedgehog Toys to activate the astonishing robotic Colossi of Chaos range of figures. Toyfinity then drove another surprise release into the spotlight with the emergence of the wicked Mangloskull, "fleshing" out an already sinister Manglors lineup. It was a good year to be into this stuff.

As of this writing, all orders placed since the launch have gone out. Processing, packing and shipping took a little longer than usual due to the holiday crossover, but Michelle and I did our best to keep things moving and still attend to the festivities. Turnaround will pick up the pace for our next wave that's scheduled to arrive in mid-February. 

Thank you again for supporting and being part of this ongoing experiment, especially in these increasingly unpredictable times. 

The things we make aren't essential items in the grand scheme of things, not even remotely close, but know that they are each born from a true love of the hobby we all share together, even after all these years.


Wave 104 is GO!!!

 Wave 104 is live!

Note: Please place only ONE ORDER WITHIN THE FIRST HOUR TONIGHT. We will lift all limits after the first hour. Thanks for your cooperation. Have Fun!

We are still only shipping domestically (and to Canada) for this wave. We sincerely apologize to our international customers for the situation.

Lost in the Vortex

Sincro Sacrifice

Unfinished Business

Glysentries Unleashed

We need a bit more time - the store will go live at 9:45, but we'll keep Dillon's art coming!

The Lost Buildship

Point of Entry

The Dark Vortex

To mix things up a bit, we took an old school "Golden Book" approach to the latest story, eschewing text bubbles to showcase all of Dillon's work in its true form. Please enjoy some all new imagery as we journey into the Dark Vortex together!

Thank you, Dillon!!!

Glysentry STELLAR

Glysentry Vortex Guard

H.U.B.S.W.I.N.G. Vinndrone

H.U.B.S.W.I.N.G. Pallorenn

Traveler Caimicrey

Sincroborg Pallorenn

Pheyden Denulland



Villains of the Vortex

Voyage into the Dark Vortex,
this Thursday, December 19th at 9:30 PM EST!


Bit Figs Dreadvalken Wave 2

The tide rolls in once again, and with it comes a micro wave of tiny treasure! New Bit Figs Dreadvalken Mythic Sets have been added to the Culture Pirates shop, featuring 3 limited edition colors: Rift Mariner, Bloodlust & the elusive Black Metal.

Originally sold as LegionsCon exclusives, for a limited time you can grab blind bags or complete sets for the discounted show price.
Thanks for the continued support, mateys!


Thank You!!!

Thank you for welcoming the Naval Deep into the fold with Wave 103! For characters that took their original form back in the late 90s, their road to an unlikely place in full production is something only made possible through your continued interest and support. 

A very special thanks goes out to Jesse D for partnering on another very meaningful collaboration that pushed us both to try and innovate some different ways to make our characters work together. I suppose art imitates life in more ways than one. 

The Naval Deep were brought into even clearer focus with some wickedly kinetic sequential magic from Dillon and an absolutely mesmerizing pinup by Sen. I'm continuously amazed by both of their abilities and how lucky we all are to see them create such magnetic work. Thank you Dillon! Thank you Sen! 

Switching gears, Marcus, Pj, Jesse Moore (and family) and I have ventured down to New Jersey to attend and vend at LegionsCon! There will be some new stuff available at our tables and we'll all be ready to catch up and hang out throughout the show (which is already underway!). We love the 4H and are honored to be part of their wild extravaganza that also includes Glycon III in the mix. Please swing through if you're in the New Jersey area and visit with many of the current Glyos makers all set up in the same room!

For those of you that can't attend the show, we've just added the "show exclusives" to the store so you can pick up what's on deck without making the trip! 

Keep your eyes on early December for our last wave of 2024, which pays homage to one of my favorite underrated movies of the late 70s. 

Thanks again from the whole family for allowing the ship to sail on!


Wave 103 is GO!!!

Wave 103 is live!

Refresh: https://onell.store

Thank you, Sen, for an outstanding rendition of the new Squid on the block! We're so lucky to be working with you and Dillon on building out these worlds together. 

Note: Please place only ONE ORDER WITHIN THE FIRST HOUR TONIGHT. We will lift all limits after the first hour. Thanks for your cooperation. Have Fun!

We are still only shipping domestically (and to Canada) for this wave. We sincerely apologize to our international customers for the situation.

Naval Deep: Relgothan Rift Mariner

The Prize and The Passage

Lefty Ace, Dillon Wheelock, turns his turrets on yet another wild tale!

Thanks again, Dillon, for being such an amazing new addition to the crew!

The Prize and The Passage

Naval Deep: Relgothan Spiraltide

The Naval Deep

Sent from beyond the Edge of Space long ago and guided by the first Delphi, the massive star seeding entities known as the Arwaellym helped spread life across a newly formed Glyos System. 

Upon the completion of this great task, each colossal creature came to rest upon a selection of primordial planets, fusing their remaining lifeforce and genetic code directly into the very core of each evolving world, granting a unique host of additional attributes that would go on to define the future lifeforms and landscapes across all of Glyos. 

With a curious eye fixed on the performance of their younger Delphi siblings, a duo of Kydrothi and Waellex traveled to the burgeoning system from their own, silently observing another genesis unfold under the ultimate direction of their shared Elder Masters. 

Though the pair explored many strange new worlds, there stood one in particular that captured their interest, an oceanic planet that would eventually come to be known as Relgost. It was here that the First Children of the Elder Masters left their small and seemingly inconceivable contribution to the Glyos System in the form of their own genetic codes, forever tethering Relgost to their distant systems.  

Many cycles passed, and life quickly evolved throughout Glyos, thanks to the dedicated and benevolent direction of the Delphi, who also served as its guardians. However, as the Delphi became increasingly fixated on fostering the moral compass of their favored children, the Armorvor, something else was secretly taking shape deep within the Planet Relgost. 

Concealed from the increasingly distracted Delphi, a hidden civilization had formed within the core of the planet, remotely guided by its powerfully psychic progenitors, the Kydrothi and Waellex. 

These aquatic masters of the secret deep called themselves the Relgothans, and evolved on a divergent path untouched by the Delphi, even creating their own companion race, the Orkarru. 

Insular in their existence, yet curious to learn about the worlds beyond their own without being detected, the Relgothans and Orkarru decided to build a small fleet of specialized Biovessels that could grant them the ability to travel invisibly amongst the stars.     

Now, with the long-awaited arrival of Those From Beyond the Edge, this "Naval Deep" finally emerges to join their true forefathers, choosing to no longer remain unseen beneath the cosmic waves. 

Astral Captain

Pirate Liner Captain Corsairec